howard 2016/04/24 09:10:58 0 0
Hello,I wanted to have a BOT that will login to a webmail and send, i have done this in imacros via a vbscript but i moved to botchief because it has more powerful features. but right now im stuck with variables.i have this email account list in TXT file in this format:username:password:nameusername1:password1:name1username2:password2:...
vyaggio 2016/04/24 03:45:48 0 0
Hi,thereWhere I can find info about creating users for a website quickly?
sturmundrang 2016/03/25 15:14:37 0 0
In the captcha settings we are given the option between manual and death by captchaDoes MANUAL mean that I can stand by the computer and when the bot prompts the captcha I can insert it manually? Or else how does it work? And how do I trigger it? With the function captcha or something else?Is this even feasible with the latest picture (street name plates, house numbers) captchas?
julianleahy 2016/04/11 08:00:18 0 0
I want someone to run this for me. I tried to follow the videos etc but I dont have the patience Anyone want to log into my pc using teamviewer or something and run this for me? I will pay. my skype is julian.leahy
user_1234 2016/04/04 10:23:47 1 0
My program I've been running for a while stopped suddenly due to a minor update.I need botchief to update the Emulate mouse/keyboard function or create a new one that can fill in login info for: https://login.live.com/ that WORKS WITH MULTI-Threading. Although it will work without the multi-threading function, I need it to work with muti-threading.I asked for the feature before but it hasn't come after months. ...
sturmundrang 2016/03/24 10:11:00 0 0
Hi, building a bot I see Google is asking to update the firefox browser. I am using the default user agent. maybe botchief needs a browser update?
Briankong21 2014/09/18 05:03:49 0 0
I have a question. Someone search the mobile web browser(like firefox mobile browser). and find the article in the third page of search result.finally he click that.in the result, search engine think people would like to click the article, So I want to make this bot with botchief edit..of course I know how I make the bot search and the result...
apaulo 2014/03/20 17:02:44 0 0
use wait(loop) command to keep to click "next page"in a recent related reply you stated the the aforementioned instruction. would you please elaborate
Joseph Chin 2016/03/03 23:56:31 0 0
Hi, I would like to ask a few questions1) How can I login into a Facebook page and post many pictures and set the schedule when to post each pictures?2) Can the exe file of the whitehatbox be changed?
Joseph Chin 2016/03/01 03:21:46 0 0
Good day. I would like to ask whether we can upload pictures on Facebook post automatically. Can I know how to select files from computer automatically. Your help would be appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day.
sturmundrang 2016/01/30 15:51:03 0 0
Why is my bot always skipping one line of the data from the csv file I fed to it? What did I do wrong?
TheMan 2015/02/17 19:48:41 0 0
Is it possible to use twitter api with this? That will be awesome
Joseph Chin 2016/02/28 19:57:24 0 0
Good morning. I would like to ask when some laptop run my exe file and set to run for several times in the Global Run, the program only run once only and not according to the number set by them. Hope to get a solution. Thank you.
Joseph Chin 2016/02/24 03:22:03 0 0
Hi, I try to add a captcha function and do all the necessary steps but it failed and return Verification Code Input Error. Please help me ASAP. Thank you.
Joseph Chin 2016/02/22 03:28:19 0 0
Can I know how to generate email from first name and last name and add number?
pecsenye 2015/03/18 16:37:27 1 0
If I use the manual CAPTHCA function the same as your tutorial, everythings fine but how can I use that CAPTCHA where there isn't an input field, just the rigth clickable image. In such a case how can I use the manual CAPTCHA? It is the same pop-up window than the normal CAPTHCA, just here yo don't have tio write just have to click. How can i solve this?Thanks for helping!...
sturmundrang 2016/01/29 14:09:59 0 0
I tried the compile function, I set the destination folder as my desktop, saved to output a zip file...AND IT WIPED OUT EVERYTHING I HAD ON THE DESKTOP APART FROM THE TRASH CAN!But the compiled file is there, I SURE AM GLAD OF THAT!!!The wiped out stuff is not even in the trash can!!!!JTFC!!
howard 2016/02/15 03:15:35 0 0
Hello,How can we do this easily? to select any random selection in a drop selection field... or even in a radio button to select any random value.Please help by giving steps and example here on how to fill up a form with drop down and radio and other fields. etc... i hope theres a default variable module for names, cities, dates.. etc... Thank you
howard 2016/02/11 03:01:47 0 0
Captcha is not save properly.. in the popup its missing some image.but on the web its full..if i run on BotchiefRunner it cannot solved the capthca because its lacking.How to solve this? Thank you....
ducce111 2014/10/06 12:51:48 1 0
Hi  I could not find any docu on the subject only few video tuts that are not explaining all the details. It is a easy to use software but some tasks do need more advanced knowledge.It seems no one is making video tuts any more so please provide well documented help.Is it possible to create UI when the bot starts like in Ubot Studio so users can enter values or keywords and switch between tasks? Very important feature.Thanks in advance!
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