If you are the first time to use this program. You'd better spend some time to watch the tutorial to study it first. Then you can know how to use it to create bot.
Type WhiteHatBox in YouTube, then subscribe it, then you can find many related tutorials.
Did you buy BotChief please? If you already bought it, any problem you meet in creating this bot, we can help you. Don't worry
I am sorry.
Currently there is no specific video to show you how to use BotChief to create the ads click bot.
But you can watch other tutorials. These are showing you how to run BotChief. You need to know how to use these commands first, then you can know how to create yourself bot.
Did you take time to study it first?
Here are many commands in BotChief editor form. What is the form look like in your side?
If you want to load a page. Then you should use the Load Url command.
Control Operate command is usually used to do the click operation.
I strongly suggest you take time to watch the tutorials. It will be helpful to you if you want to create yourself bot.