Skill 1 - promote free software page or any useful page on whitehatbox.
You can not only promote the affiliate link of a product sale page directly, But also you can promote the free software introduction page on whitehatbox using your affiliate link, your affiliate cookie will be saved 6 month. Once the people buy any software on whitehatbox you will still get commission. And once the user sign up, you will become the Recommended.
For example >>
Here is the SpinnerChief Free Version Download Page
You need sign in your whitehatbox account, and visit this page, then click "Affiliate" > "Affilite link of this page" > Then you can get your affiliate link of this page. You can just promote this affiliate link.
You can share this page (your affiliate link) by using the integrated share tool to facebook, twitter, tumblr and your email list etc...
Skill 2 - Just promote your affiliate link of whitehatbox home page.
There are more than 30 fully free little tools in whitehatbox app, many people will thank you after get these free software by visiting your affiliate link. What you need do is just tell people there are tons of free tools and leave your affiliate link there.
Here is the picture of these free tools>>
Here is the introduction of these free tools>>
Skill 3 - Promote your affiliate link of the page that need login to visit.
There are some posts only can be seen after login or reply the topic, you can promote your affiliate link of this kind of page, if the people have no account of whitehatbox, they must register an account to see the post, then you will become his recommended. And in the future, whatever he buy on whitehatbox, you will get commission.
And you can even create some Valuable pages that need login or reply to see by yourself, then promote the affiliate link of this page.
When post a topic or reply, you can set if the topic or reply only can be seen after sign in or reply >>