So sorry for the inconvenience. We will make the tutorial and manual asap. Please wait for the news.
Now if there is something you cannot understand, please tell me, we are glad to help you.
How does the TrafficBot search result pages work with the keyword?
Does TrafficBot scroll through all the search result pages until my target website is found?
So for example, if I do not know the exact location of my target website on Google search result for the keyword Internet Marketing, then if I set the pages to 100 for example.. does TraffiBotPro search this keyword, then go through all the hundred pages until it finds it? Then only clicks on the page once found?
Yes, it can target your website on Google search result for the keyword you entered.
If you set the pages to 100, then software will search this keyword within page 100. And if it find your website, then it will visit your website. If not, then it will fail to run.
Please make tutorial for traffic bot pro v2. I bought but don't understand it's setting at all.
Thanks a lot
The tutorials of TrafficBotPro v2 is in preparation, please wait for the update.
Right now, if there is any function you cannot understand, please let me know. I will try my best to explain all in details.
The tutorials of TrafficBotPro v2 is in preparation, please wait for the update.
Right now, if there is any function you cannot understand, please let me know. I will try my best to explain all in details.